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[Click for the
bga-7.fe datafile in a second window.]
[Click for the
xzforce.cmd datafile in a second window.]
This model introduces lateral displacement of the upper pad, with
calculations of lateral and vertical forces. Otherwise, it is
the same as bga-3.fe.
Notable features:
- The lateral displacement is implemented by a new
parameter, "offset", which is used in constraint 4, the
rim of the upper pad.
- The file "xzforce.cmd" contains the force calculation
commands, "do_xforce" and "do_zforce". These use the
central difference, linear interpolation method.
- The initial display may have the displacement coming
out of the screen so you can't see it. Just rotate the image.
- Notice that changing the offset does not keep even
spacing of the vertices on the top pad, since vertices just
move to satisfy the constraints, not to keep even spacing.
One cure for this is in bga-8.fe.
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