// moundpad.fe
// Evolver data for drop of prescribed volume sitting on plane with gravity.
// Contact angle with plane can be varied.
// Drop is confined to wettable strip, illustrating one-sided constraints.

parameter angle = 60    // interior angle between plane and surface, degrees
parameter xleft = -.2   // left side of wettable strip
parameter xright = 1.2  // right side of wettable strip

gravity_constant 0  // start with gravity off

#define LOWERT  (-cos(angle*pi/180))  // virtual tension of facet on plane
constraint 1   /* the table top */
formula: z = 0
energy:  // for contact angle
e1: -(LOWERT*y)
e2: 0
e3: 0 

constraint leftcon nonnegative
formula: x - xleft

constraint rightcon nonpositive
formula: x - xright

1   0.0  0.0 0.0  constraint 1,leftcon,rightcon  /* 4 vertices on plane */
2   1.0  0.0 0.0  constraint 1,leftcon,rightcon
3   1.0  1.0 0.0  constraint 1,leftcon,rightcon
4   0.0  1.0 0.0  constraint 1,leftcon,rightcon
5   0.0  0.0 1.0
6   1.0  0.0 1.0
7   1.0  1.0 1.0
8   0.0  1.0 1.0
9   2.0  2.0 0.0  fixed   /* for table top */
10  2.0 -1.0 0.0  fixed
11 -1.0 -1.0 0.0  fixed
12 -1.0  2.0 0.0  fixed
// wettable strip outline, raised a bit for visibility
13  xleft -1.0 0.01 fixed
14  xleft 2.0 0.01 fixed
15  xright -1.0 0.01 fixed
16  xright 2.0 0.01 fixed

edges  /* given by endpoints and attribute */
1   1 2    constraint 1,leftcon,rightcon  /* 4 edges on plane */
2   2 3    constraint 1,leftcon,rightcon
3   3 4    constraint 1,leftcon,rightcon
4   4 1    constraint 1,leftcon,rightcon
5   5 6
6   6 7  
7   7 8 
8   8 5
9   1 5   
10  2 6  
11  3 7 
12  4 8
13  9 10 no_refine  fixed  /* for table top */
14 10 11 no_refine  fixed
15 11 12 no_refine  fixed
16 12  9 no_refine  fixed
17 13 14 no_refine fixed bare // pad outline
18 15 16 no_refine fixed bare

faces  /* given by oriented edge loop */
1   1 10 -5  -9
2   2 11 -6 -10
3   3 12 -7 -11
4   4  9 -8 -12
5   5  6  7   8
7  13 14 15  16  no_refine density 0 fixed /* table top for display */

bodies  /* one body, defined by its oriented faces */
1   1 2 3 4 5   volume 1  density 1